Thursday, May 22, 2014

5 Reasons Why My Wedding Will Be Better Than Kimyes'

Unless you've been living under a rock, or don't have the E! channel, I am sure that you know that Kim Kardashian and Kanye West are getting married this weekend in Paris.  With all the media you would honestly think that Prince Will and Kate were getting married again....It's scary to think that Kim and Kanye could be America's version of the royal couple!  Don't worry I'm only kidding about that one #notreally

One thing that the media had failed to tell you is that Kim was origionally planning on getting married on May 31st , 2014.  Once she heard that Kev and I had already locked that date down she quickly changed her mind.  Obviously she didn't want to be overshadowed by our wonderful wedding.  

Don't worry Kim I'm always down for some friendly competition!  Here's a few reasons why our wedding will be better than Kimyes'.

1.  My guest won't be bombarded by the paparazzi.

Don't you just hate it when the paps stalk you?!?!  I know I do!  With the media storm following Kimye and their wedding guests around Paris my attendees can rest easy knowing they can roam the streets of NC freely.

2.  My guest won't be forced to stare at a bridesmaid with awkwardly color hair.

All my bridesmaids have flattering hair blue haired member will steal my limelight

3.  Kayne will not be there to interrupt the best man's toast.

We all remember Kayne's VMA mishap with Queen T. Swift a few years ago...I would be surprised if he toasted himself at the wedding #imgonnaletyoufinish

4.  Rob Kardashian won't eat all the cake at my wedding.


5.  You won't have to attend another wedding for me

I'm sure Kims friends are a little tired of attending her weddings! 2 in a few years is 1 too many! #initforthelonghaul 

But for real I'm a fan of the Kardashians!  The post is all in good fun!  Best wishes to Kimye!


  1. Haha, love the last one. And it is so weird they are american royalty, but I can't even deny it anymore.
