Tuesday, March 25, 2014

No One Wants to Be the Miranda

Let's start this story off several years back.  My friends and I were fresh off the Sex and the City 2 movie hype when over a late night coffee date one of my friends posed the question; Which character would each of us be?  Of course the first thought that ran through my head was, I'm totally a Carrie.  I mean honestly who wouldn't want to be the Carrie...she's FABULOUS!!!  and if not Carrie then maybe I'd even be Charlotte.  I could totally relate to her positive attitude and passion for love.  That's it, I knew my friends would totally see me as a Carrie or Charlotte.

A couple seconds into conversation one of my friends said "Courtney is totally a Miranda." What?!?  A Miranda!!!! And to my surprise my other friends nodded in agreement.

So many things started to run through my mind.....Why am I the worst dressed character?....She was so boring....Is this what my friends think of me?

At the time of this conversation I had only seen the two movies and a handful of the shows so I will admit that I really wasn't in the position to judge the whole character but 19 year old me did not want to be Miranda.

Flash forward to last summer before my NYC trip when my friend gave me her Sex and the City box set.  After endless hours of episodes I can finally say that I have a solid understanding of all the leading ladies and can finally realize that being compared to Miranda is not so bad. 

If we're being honest Miranda is pretty amazing.  She is an independent woman who knows what she wants and is not afraid to set her goals high.  When it comes to her career she gives 110% and that should be celebrated.   She is extremely dependable and always seems to be the one Carrie looks toward for help.  If these are the traits that we are basing this on I can proudly say that I am a Miranda. Being a powerful woman is a powerful thing that we should never try to hide.

To my fellow Mirandas' lets get out there and rule the world....but who says we can't dress like Carrie while we're doing it!


  1. As a true SATC fanatic, I always loved Miranda, plus that's my name...holla! :)

    1. When I was writing this post I thought the title might draw in some people named Miranda haha After binge watching the seasons I think I have reach fanatic status as well!

  2. I always like to think of myself as a Charlotte.... but in reality I'm probably a Miranda too, haha!

    1. Charlotte is my favorite! I think deep down we all have a little bit of all the characters in us :-)

  3. I probably would be a Miranda too :) Personally, Carrie was my least favorite character- the horror, I know!
