Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Sunshine on my Mind

I was so excited last week when I saw that Lauren from Peach State of Mind and Miranda from Life in the Lowcountry were hosting a link-up about Summer Vacation plans past, present and future.  Since it snowed for 6 hours yesterday and they are calling for 6-8 in  our area tomorrow I am definitely ready to dream of warmer weather.  For this link-up I decided to talk about this summers vacay plans.  I can't wait to see what everyone else has in the works!!


St Martin
This year we are excited to kick off our summer vacation plans with our Honeymoon!!!! The first week of June Kev and I will be leaving NC behind to spend a glorious week in beautiful St. Martin.  We are excited to be staying at a all inclusive resort.  I'm ready for a week of sun, fun and duty free shopping.
Myrtle Beach, SC
In July, Kev and I will head with my parents to Myrtle Beach, SC for our annual family vacation.  It wouldn't even be summer without a trip to the MB!  Even though Kev can't stay the whole week I am looking forward to some quality time with my fam!

Atlanta, GA
After years of talking about it this summer Kev and I as saying we will actually hit up the ATL.  One of my companies' vendors is stationed in Atlanta and they have been trying to lure us out there for quite some time now to use their Braves Box seats.  Kev has never been so I'm hoping to do a 3 day weekend trip in August. 

Charleston, NC
While this might more of a September trip than a summer thing Kev and I are planning to do a long weekend trip to Charleston.  We fell in love with Charleston a couple of years ago and I am excited to go back I try some of the places I've seen other bloggers talk about.  I swear I would trust a blogger's opinion over any others on the Internet.  I always trust you guys to be there with an honest review and tons of food pics to make me hungry.

Here's to warmer weather my dears!


  1. Thanks for linking up with us! I love all the places you shared! I totally need to check out St. Martin for our honeymoon too! Somebody else also mentioned it!

  2. Thanks for linking up with us! Myrtle Beach is a favorite of mine! Love it!

  3. Jealous of all your vacation plans!!! I love traveling!!
